Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

1. Appositive Phrases

Appositive Phrases

An appositive phrase consists of a predicate complement used alone without a subject or a form of the verb be. Its “subject” appears in another part of the sentence.
Appositive frase terdiri atas komplemen predikat yang dipakai seorang diri tanpa subyek atau bentuk kata kerja ialah (verb be). Menjadi ”subyek” yang muncul di bagian kalimat lain.

Complements forming the grammatical head of appositive phrases.
Komplemen yang membentuk bagian depan gramatikal appositive frase.

A predicate noun, exs: He had asked Mr. Wilson, a prominent lawyer, to represent him in court. (Dia sudah meminta Mr Wilson, seorang pengacara menonjol, mewakilinya di pengadilan).

A predicate adjective, exs: The professor, unaware that many of his students were asleep, went right on lecturing. (Seorang profesor, tak sadar mahasiswanya sebanyak itu tertidur, pergi ke kanan di memberi kuliah).

An adverb (or adverbial expression) , exs: The gentlemen over there by the door is our
(Tuan di seberang sana di samping pintu adalah akuntan kami).

A prepositional phrase, exs: Mr. Harris, in a hurry to get home, took a taxi from the airport. (Mr Harris, dengan tergesa-gesa untuk pergi ke rumah, mengeluarkan taksi dari pelabuhan udara).

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